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The Democratic Party is committed to progressive policies that will build a stronger, and more humane, America. Our platform is one that will instill healthy and sustainable growth in our economy, and strengthen our society through the implementation of efficient yet feasible reforms that will carry our great nation into a more secure, and prosperous future for all. Our platform is based upon the following proposals:



Closing corporate tax loopholes and excessive exemptions to ensure that corporations are paying their fair share.

A tax break incentive to corporations that hire their workforce domestically, and provide paid maternity leave, so that we can begin the process of instilling better working conditions and increased job opportunity for the American working class.

A return to simplified and effective banking regulation through law that ensures the separation of commercial and investment banking.

Investment in clean and sustainable energy through the levying of a special tax on the gas and oil industry, the revenues of which will be put into a Federal trust to be gradually reinvested into future energy sources.




In order to streamline the well-intentioned efforts of Obama Care, we are going to offer a public health insurance option, which will serve to keep prices fair through increased competition with private insurance companies.



Common core standards aim to foster a future workforce that is competent, practical, scientifically and mathematically literate, and fluent in written and verbal language skill. We will achieve this through the encouragement of diverse teaching methods in the classroom, and by putting an end to the punitive and counterproductive cutting of funds to schools that don’t immediately meet standardized test minimum standards.


Free higher and technical education at public institutions - this is our goal. Those who choose to further their education should not graduate with debt that takes years (sometimes decades) to pay back. 






The inclusion of homosexual, Transsexual, and Transgender identities under the umbrella of protected minorities in Anti-Discrimination laws that apply to housing and the workplace.





A realistic foreign policy that will protect the sovereignty of our allies, especially those in strategically vital areas. Dedication to collective security, and humanitarian-based interventions through the approval and cooperation of the global community and U.N. Continued upholding of the Iran nuclear deal. The containment of potentially aggressive state actors abroad through cooperation with our allies.





A pathway to citizenship for undocumented workers in this country, whom account for a significant portion of our GDP. Limitations on future immigration contingent upon the level of overall job-market saturation and rate of GDP growth.



Federal police monitoring laws that require the wearing of body cameras in order to ensure that rule of law is not violated by the very people that serve to enforce it.




An end to the immoral practice of the privatized prison industry.





An end to failed “War On Drugs”, and the reallocation of the subsequent DEA budget cuts to drug rehabilitation programs. We must treat addiction as a public health issue rather than a criminal one. We also seek to legalize the sale and consumption of Marijuana under Federal law, and levy a federal tax on the sale of the substance that will be used to fund education.




Through these extensive and much needed reforms and actions, we will achieve our goal of building a better America. We will strengthen every facet of our society, and reverse the social and economic decay that has long been plaguing our nation. We will achieve the great society that the American people long for.

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